The Christadelphians are a world wide community bound together by a common faith in the Gospel preached by Christ and his Apostles in the first century. This Gospel has been changed by the Church over many centuries and no longer holds to "the truth" of God's word believed. As a community we are humbled to know & understand the true gospel and wish to share this truth with any who seek to understand the truth of God's word.
We believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ is very near. Bible prophecies check this:
- the return of the Jews to their land, the establishment of the Jewish State in 1948 & the taking of Jerusalem in 1967 confirms the words of the Prophets & Jesus in Ezekiel 37 Luke21.
- The rise of Russia and its aggression cements the words of Eziekeil 38 Zechriah 12 preparing for Gods purpose of Armegeddon (drawing all nations together) to Jeruslaem.
God wishes us not to stay in ignorance of what is happening in the world and has provided the Bible to direct us with all the necessary answers to know about Him, His son & His purpose.
"And the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men every where to repent!
Because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained" Acts 17:30-31
Prepare with us to meet the Lord Jesus Christ who will be king of Jerusalem and the world & enjoy everlasting life with Him on the earth in Gods kingdom.